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This course is designed to give candidates an understanding of what a confined space is and general safety requirements.

An additional practical element would need to be attended to enable them to enter or work in a confined space

Criminal Exploitation and County Lines 

This course will help you develop a greater awareness of criminal exploitation of children and vulnerable adults, particularly in relation to 'county lines' drug dealing.

It also includes information around grooming, 'cuckooing', sexual exploitation and other related topics, including modern slavery and trafficking. 

It will help you to spot the signs, recognise vulnerabilities and will help you understand what to do if you notice something.

If you have an account, click on the course title hyperlink (blue text – usually at the top or to the right) to take you to the course page. From there you can see course information and can access the eLearning module. When you have completed your course and the evaluation feedback, you will be able to access your certificate and useful resources.

This is an Elearning course.

This course should take around 30 minutes.

If you don't have a DLO account, please contact

If you would further course information or advice on whether this course is suitable for you please contact

Domestic Abuse Awareness Webinar (Virtual Classroom)

This free 2 hour webinar is designed for frontline Derbyshire practitioners who have little or no knowledge about domestic abuse and who want to know what it is, and the different forms it takes, including control and coercion. You will also learn about the support on offer for victims in Derbyshire.

If you have a Derbyshire Learning Online account, click on the course title hyperlink (blue text – usually at the top or to the right) to take you to the course page. From there you can see course information, webinar dates, latest availability and can book your place online. Booking is essential.

If you don't have a DLO account, please contact

If you would further course information or advice on whether this course is suitable for you please contact

Domestic Abuse Risk Assessment Webinar (Virtual Classroom)

This free 2 hour webinar is designed for frontline Derbyshire practitioners who have little or no knowledge about domestic abuse risk assessment and who want to know how to support victims to access domestic abuse services . We’ll also look at when to refer to MARAC and how to apply your professional judgement.

It will help if you have a basic understanding about Domestic Abuse before attending the webinar, so you may wish to complete the 'Domestic Abuse: An Introduction' eLearning course or Domestic Abuse Awareness Webinar, if you have not had any domestic abuse training in the last couple of years.

If you have a Derbyshire Learning Online account, click on the course title hyperlink (blue text – usually at the top or to the right) to take you to the course page. From there you can see course information, webinar dates, latest availability and can book your place online. Booking is essential.

If you don't have a DLO account, please contact

If you would further course information or advice on whether this course is suitable for you please contact

Domestic Abuse: An Introduction

This course provides a brief overview of what domestic abuse is, including how to spot the signs that someone is experiencing abuse and how to share your concerns in Derbyshire. It now includes learning from Derbyshire Domestic Homicide Reviews around 'Coercive Control', 'Toxic Trio' and how to ask the question if someone is experiencing domestic abuse.

If you have an account, click on the course title hyperlink (blue text – usually at the top or to the right) to take you to the course page. From there you can see course information and can access the eLearning module. When you have completed your course and the evaluation feedback, you will be able to access your certificate and useful resources.

 This is an Elearning course.

 This course should take around 60 minutes.

If you don't have a DLO account, please contact

If you would further course information or advice on whether this course is suitable for you please contact

This module will help you understand the role of an educational visits coordinator in:

  • Supporting staff to plan and run safe and high quality educational visits
  • To understand how the planning and delivery of a visit must meet health and safety regulations
  • To know where guidance on educational visits can be found
  • To check staff are following the guidance and health and safety regulations

The equipment training is carried for all new employees staring work for the school meals catering service.

Harness Training and suspension trauma

This course is for those who will are required to wear harnesses as part of their work activity.

Hate Crime Awareness Webinar (Virtual Classroom)

This free 2 hour webinar is for Derbyshire practitioners who have little or no knowledge about Hate Crime. The session covers what hate crime is, who it affects, related legislation, UK and local picture, how to report hate crime and support available for victims. 

Please note there is some pre-work to complete before the webinar

If you have a Derbyshire Learning Online account, click on the course title hyperlink (blue text – usually at the top or to the right) to take you to the course page. From there you can see course information, webinar dates, latest availability and can book your place online. Booking is essential.

If you don't have a DLO account, please contact

If you would further course information or advice on whether this course is suitable for you please contact

Level 2 Award in Health and Safety.  This course is a progression from Level 1. It develops knowledge and understanding on maintaining a safe working environment for yourself and others.

Is it your job to communicate to people about health?

Did you know that 60% of people do not understand information when words and numbers are included?

Health Literacy refers to the skills, knowledge, understanding and confidence needed to use Health and Social Care information and services.

By completing this programme, learners will find out why health literacy is important and how to use some simple techniques including Teach Back, Chunk and Check, using pictures and simple language to improve how they communicate and check understanding with others. The programme is aimed at the wider public health workforce, particularly in health, social care and the charitable sector. The programme provides an introduction to health literacy, why it is important and the core techniques that can be used to improve health literacy.

This course should take 30 min to complete.

This course is for novices and trained operatives.On successful completion a Light Plant operations Registration scheme card (LPORS) will be applied for.

Introduction to Systemic Practice Webinar (Virtual Classroom)

This webinar via Microsoft Teams is for all Children's Services new starters.This is part of the Induction  programme  while face to face courses cannot go ahead due to the Covid19 virus. 

To get the full benefits of the session, attendees will need to have Microsoft Team access. Many Derbyshire County Council staff have this facility, 

Booking is essential - Initially we are limiting numbers to 25 attendees per webinar. To book your place, enrol on the course and then click 'sign-up' to choose a date below. You must 'sign-up' for your place to be formally booked.

Let's Talk About Sexual Assault and Sexual Abuse Webinar (Virtual Classroom)

This free 1.5 hour webinar has been developed and is delivered in partnership with SV2 and SAIL. It is designed for frontline Derbyshire practitioners who have little or no knowledge about sexual abuse and who want to know what it is and understand the signs and indicators. You will also learn how to support victims to access sexual abuses services.

If you have a Derbyshire Learning Online account, click on the course title hyperlink (blue text – usually at the top or to the right) to take you to the course page. From there you can see course information, webinar dates, latest availability and can book your place online. Booking is essential.

For more information, or if you do not have an account, please contact

Light Plant Operators Registration Course

This course is for those who use small plant in their workplace and require assessing to the standards set out by the LPORS scheme.

The Assessor will be an accredited by HCTA ( Highway and Construction Training Association )

Items commonly assessed are;

Vibrating plate, floor saw, self powered breaker, pedestrian roller, cement mixer, vibrotamper, hand held saw,

Candidate Assessor ratio is 1-1

Modern Slavery Awareness Webinar (Virtual Classroom)

This 90 minute webinar is for frontline Derbyshire practitioners who have little or no knowledge about Modern Slavery and who want to know how what it is, how to spot the signs and how to respond effectively

If you have a Derbyshire Learning Online account, click on the course title hyperlink (blue text – usually at the top or to the right) to take you to the course page. From there you can see course information, webinar dates, latest availability and can book your place online. Booking is essential.

If you don't have a DLO account, please contact

If you would further course information or advice on whether this course is suitable for you please contact 

Modern Slavery: An Introduction

This course provides a brief overview of what modern slavery is, including how to spot the signs and how to share your concerns in Derbyshire. 

If you have an account, click on the course title hyperlink (blue text – usually at the top or to the right) to take you to the course page. From there you can see course information and can access the eLearning module. When you have completed your course and the evaluation feedback, you will be able to access your certificate and useful resources.

This is an Elearning course.

             This course should take around 90 minutes.

If you don't have a DLO account, please contact

If you would further course information or advice on whether this course is suitable for you please contact

Streetworks 5 day initial course.

This course is aimed at those who require a streetworks registration card to carry out excavation and reinstatements of the Highway as requested by the local Authority.

Candidates can be operatives or supervisors.

New Road and Streetworks Re-Qualification 2 day course.

This course is for those who need to renew their existing Streetworks qualification.

The course will be classroom based and it offers refresher training followed by a multiple choice test paper for each unit the candidate requires to retain.

Online Harms Webinar (Virtual Classroom)

This webinar is aimed at frontline Derbyshire practitioners working with both adults and children. It will help you develop a greater awareness of what 'Online Harms' are, including gaining a better understanding of what types of content or behaviour might be considered 'illegal' or which may be 'harmful'.

You will understand how online harms can occur, how to spot the signs that someone is experiencing online harm or abuse and the consequences of perpetrating online abuse.

You will also learn more about where to get help and support regarding online harms.

If you have a Derbyshire Learning Online account, click on the course title hyperlink (blue text – usually at the top or to the right) to take you to the course page. From there you can see course information, webinar dates, latest availability and can book your place online. Booking is essential.

If you don't have a DLO account, please contact

If you would further course information or advice on whether this course is suitable for you please contact

Visit Leader and Assistant Leader training is designed to help you lead safe and successful off site visits. We recommend that Visit and Assistant Leaders re-take this course every three years to ensure they are up to data with current offsite visit health and safety legislation and good practice. 

Prevent (Counter Terrorism) E-learning

This E-learning course covers your statutory Prevent duty - to prevent people becoming terrorists or supporting terrorism in all its forms. It includes how to spot the signs that someone may be being radicalised and how to share your concerns.

It is aimed primarily at non-frontline staff, but can be accessed by frontline staff who find it difficult to access Prevent (Counter Terrorism) webinars, from the following organisations:

  • Derbyshire County Council
  • district and borough councils
  • elected members
  • early years providers, including nurseries and childminders
  • schools - suitable for general teaching staff, support staff and governors, who may prefer to access the pre-recorded Prevent (Counter Terrorism) webinar as an alternative. Heads, deputy heads, DSLs and key pastoral staff may find it more useful to attend a live Prevent (Counter Terrorism) webinar or WRAP classroom training (when available). 
  • further and higher education establishments
  • pupil referral units
  • police
  • prisons
  • probation services
  • youth offending services
  • health
  • social care

If you have an account, click on the course title hyperlink (blue text – usually at the top or to the right) to take you to the course page. From there you can see course information and can access the eLearning module. When you have completed your course and the evaluation feedback, you will be able to access your certificate and useful resources.

 This is an E-learning course.

 This course should take around 60 minutes.

If you don't have a DLO account, please contact

If you would further course information or advice on whether this course is suitable for you please contact

A Prevent (Counter Terrorism) Webinar is also available via Derbyshire Learning Online if you prefer a taught course.

Prevent (Counter Terrorism) Webinar (Virtual Classroom)

This free 1.5 hour webinar takes key elements from the Workshop To Raise Awareness of Prevent (WRAP) Training.  It is designed for frontline Derbyshire practitioners, who work in communities or work with vulnerable individuals, and have little or no knowledge about Prevent. 

A pre-recorded version of the webinar is also available for people who find it difficult to access a live webinar session. Details can be found on the course page.

This training is specifically aimed at staff from the following organisations:

  • Derbyshire County Council
  • district and borough councils
  • elected members
  • early years providers, including nurseries and childminders
  • schools - heads, deputy heads, DSLs and key pastoral staff may find it useful to attend a live webinar. Other school staff and governors should access the pre-recorded webinar or complete the Prevent (Counter Terrorism) eLearning
  • further and higher education establishments
  • pupil referral units
  • police
  • prisons
  • probation services
  • youth offending services
  • health
  • social care

It will help you learn more about the Statutory Prevent Duty, understand risk and threat nationally and locally, spot the signs of radicalisation and know how to share your concerns in Derbyshire.

If you have a Derbyshire Learning Online account, click on the course title hyperlink (blue text – usually at the top or to the right) to take you to the course page. From there you can see course information, webinar dates, latest availability and can book your place online. Booking is essential.

If you don't have a DLO account, please contact

If you would further course information or advice on whether this course is suitable for you, please contact

Social Pedagogy Resource Page

Substance Use and Community Safety Webinar (Virtual Classroom)

This free 2 hour webinar will enable you to explore what substance use is, its effects on community safety and support available for people within Derbyshire.  

This webinar is open to anyone from any agency in Derbyshire wishing to learn more about substance use in a community safety setting, related impacts and vulnerabilities and how to refer in to local services.

There is some pre-work for you to do before you attend a live webinar.

Please note: This course is not a basic 'drugs or alcohol awareness' course. If you want to learn more about drug types and their effects, visit Talk to Frank  for information or Alcohol Advice Training for courses in Derbyshire. You may also find it helpful to complete the 'Criminal Exploitation and County Lines' eLearning module before attending this course.

If you have a Derbyshire Learning Online account, click on the course title hyperlink (blue text – usually at the top or to the right) to take you to the course page. From there you can see course information, webinar dates, latest availability and can book your place online. Booking is essential.

If you don't have a DLO account, please contact

If you would further course information or advice on whether this course is suitable for you please contact

Prerequisite - Please bring with you a basic genogram of a current case in which there are elements of self-harm, anxiety or other mental health symptoms. You will need knowledge of the current concerns for the young person’s emotional well-being. Basic knowledge of systemic practice is desirable but not essential.

There are also two handout you will need to bring with you these can be found on the course page once you enrol onto the training. 


  • To use systemic & narrative approaches to explore what work might be helpful with young people and their families open to social care with mental health needs which are not being currently met by CAMHS
  • Help workers to feel more equipped and confident in how to assess and work with families to prevent re-referrals to Social Care and to make meaningful referrals to appropriate services.
  • Provides a space for reflection on anxiety and self-harm issues
For more information please contact 

This is a reassessment course for those who are already qualified and need to renew their qualification for operating a telescopic handler.

This 55 minute briefing is intended for all children service staff who support children and families

  • Understand the approach of Think Family in the current context
  • Understand the impact on children from family environments, ACEs and the nature of risk in children’s lives
  • To focus on interfamilial abuse considering its invisibility and how we can do better to identify
  • Review key ways of working that will help practitioners maximise the capacity to support the family and minimise the negative impacts on children.

Traffic Management 12D Site Assessment.

Who should attend: Anyone who has completed the NHSS 12D Module 2 Static Works on Single Carriageways training course and is looking to further their qualification to become a Registered Traffic Management Operative (RTMO

Course aims:

Demonstrate an understanding of the processes and procedures required to safely install, maintain and remove traffic management schemes on single carriageway roads, concluding in attaining full RTMO status.

3 x successful assessments are required as a minimum covering all the predetermined performance criteria as detailed in the relevant national highways sector scheme ‘logbook.

The initial assessment is completed in the ‘centre’ environment, all subsequent assessments MUST be completed in a ‘live’ site environment in accordance with the requirements of the relevant sector scheme document.

NB: There must be a minimum of 2 weeks between each assessment.

Certification: On completion all learners will be issued with a skills registration card by Lantra Awards which will be valid for 5 years.

This course is for all those who will be involved with driving and operating winter service vehicles over 7.5 tonnes

Winter Service Training and Assessment

This is a 1 day course for one candidate who has passed the Unit 680 Health and Safety day and requires training and assessing on a winter service vehicle.

This course is intended for those who are new to W/Service operations.

Candidates will be required to have a minimum of class C on their licence and a current Driver Qualification card (DQC)